Manifiesto “En defensa de los derechos fundamentales en internet”

Este manifiesto fue redactado conjuntamente por periodistas, bloggers e internautas. Si estás de acuerdo, copialo, publícalo en tu blog, leelo en tu podcast, imprímelo y difúndelo por todas las vías que puedas.

El Acertijo de los Isleños de Ojos Azules

Hace poco me contaron el mejor acertijo que haya escuchado nunca: El Acertijo de los isleños de Ojos Azules.

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Finally, the Apocalypse has started. Specifically in South Africa, where the traffic cameras have captured this punishment of the Flying Spaghetti Monster:

Turkey Filter

I’m taking Music-320, a great course of Digital Signal Processing and Digital Filters at CCRMA.

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Jesus Christ

This is the Jesus Venn Diagram (or how Jesus relates to some other interesting characters):

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Diana (or Dynamic Interactive Audio and Noise Analyzer) is a small piece of software that I wrote as an assignment for the course Music, Computing, and Design I, taught by Ge Wang at CCRMA.

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Santa Cruz

Santa Cruz is the world recognized city of surf. I happened to be there at a strange conference of MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging), to see the talk of Carlos Fernández.

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Noam Chomsky at Stanford

Today, Noam Chomsky has given a short talk at Stanford. I simply couldn’t believe that Chomsky was on campus.

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