StarCraft II: Protoss Gameplay

I don’t have time to play videogames. But I will have to find it when Starcraft II comes out.


En Pau Farell m’ha dedicat Un Dibuix. I estic tan content que necessito posar-lo aquí.

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Lost iPhone Programming

While programming for the iPhone, this questions raised in my head:

Your eyes modify the sound you hear – The McGurk Effect

I have been blown away with this fascinating visual/audio illusion. Watch the following video and listen carefully on what he’s saying.

Sonic Skull Shot

I’ve been working on this application for the iPhone called Sonic Skull Shot (SSS) for the past week as an assignment for the course Mobile Music, taught by Professor Ge Wang.

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iPad is Here!

I think Apple did it again. Here it is the New Big Thing, it’s called iPad and I already want one:

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NAMM 10′

Last weekend the NAMM Show 10′ took place like every year in Anaheim, L.

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iPhone Apps for iPhone Programming Course at Stanford

This quarter I signed up for the course Mobile Music, taught by Professor Ge Wang.

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