Thin Bag of Urine Tour 2013

Gira mundial de TBU pel Vallès Oriental i el Barcelonès. Divendres 11 de Gener al Speed Bar de Gràcia, Barcelona, i el Dissabte 12 de Gener a La Troca, Granollers.

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La Ofensa

The New Raemonha vuelto a sacar un disco. Este hombre-bestia no puede parar quieto.

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Ens en sortim, al Rac1stic

Aquí està el video del Rac1stic de la versió de Manel, Ens en sortim.

Entrevista a Rac1

Aprofitant les eleccions americanes de demà, l’equip de El Món a Rac1ha vingut a Nova York per a retransmetre en directe el programa des de la capital del món.

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Sound of Muzak

One of my favorite tracks by Porcupine Tree. Not perfect, but I guess it’s decent enough.

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Spain is different (and even Google knows)

Even Google knows that my country is a fucking joke. Or at least our president.

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Gangnam Robot Style

Why is this song so popular? Because even robots can dance to it.

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Headbanging Around The States

It’s finally here. Headbanging around the states. Enjoy titans!

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